Trips, Vids and Tips…

Trip To Cadwell Park

It’s dark, wet and cold and 04:30 in the morning on the 12th September and I’m struggling to get into my 1 piece race leathers. Damn you bacon rolls.

The idea of a trackday for me, is to explore the limits of possibility and to have huge amount of fun. Fun can come from many different guises at a trackday, the speed, the acceleration, the banter, the day off work are all possible candidates but soon you will start to add two or three of these together and the fun factor scale is exponential. Add to that the journey there on the bike, a CB500S, covered in fur (the FLOOF) and the day is almost guaranteed to be a success before you’ve even set off into the dark, wet and cold morning.

I eventually tucked everything I could into the leathers and managed to get the zip up. Then into my waterproofs and then I pointed the little furry CB500 east and headed to Cadwell Park which according to google maps is 130 miles away. All was going great until 126 miles when I went over a bump in the road and my left hand foot peg snapped off. I circled back around and found the remnants of the foot peg in the verge it has snapped off about 1 inch from the pivot. It was just enough to rest my toe on and operate the gears but not so good for the track. I soldiered on, cussing loudly. However the sun was out and trying to dry the roads up.

Arriving at Cadwell I met up with a few of the Twitter crowd I pointed at the snapped peg and wondered what the solution could be then, as if Occam himself was there one, of the blokes said, “why not use a pillion peg?” Of course this was the perfect solution so a quick swap and I was back in business. Stuffed a bacon roll had a brew then sat about waiting for the noise test check and the safety briefing.

The exhaust on the FLOOF is a cobbled together cheapest I could find ebay special that did not have the baffle fitted, however we passed the noise check so must have been under 102db then a bit more waiting around until the novice group I was in was called. Novice? Yes. First time to Cadwell and 4th time on track. That in my mind and according to the NoLimits track day organisers rules means I should be a novice. This was going to be fun.

Session 1.

Unhindered with the need for generators and tyre warmers and track stands I was ready at the first call and waiting for the 2 others in my group I was with, a 32 year old ZXR400 ridden by an experienced trackdayer and a young chap on an R1. I meandered down to the holding area and shrugged off the pointing and staring along with the name calling and was focused on the familiarisation laps. Now I’ve never been to Cadwell before but I have done my homework on the Playstation so at least I knew my way around and what to expect. Until of course I get out on track and it’s the same but massively different. For 1 it was will wet and the FLOOF still has 19 year old BT45 tyres on. they are not good in the wet. The 3rd corner out of the trap is the hairpin, I went sideways into that one and immediately regretted my blasé tyre choice. Then it was a run through Barn corner under the trees, still fully wet and then the start finish straight. No overtaking on sighting laps so I kept pace with the group that was being lead around by an instructor. About ¾ of the way around the red flags came out and I thought that’s great they are showing us where the flag marshalls are. Nope, it was a genuine red flag, someone had gone off on the sighting lap! So we returned to the holding area while they got scooped up in the trailer. Another sighting lap followed and then we were off. Great fun on a narrow circuit and many of the riders in the group were clearly nervous in the wet so plenty of space was required for any overtakes. The CB500 has little to no speed down the straights so was often overtaken but the big bikes, but that’s just cheating.

Session 2

The track now has a definite dry line and the footpegs were starting to make themselves known – I should really learn the correct body position – I was having a great time and really starting to mix it with the sports bikes. They’d leave me standing down the straights and I’d overtake them around Chris Curve or into the gooseneck or up the mountain, doing wheelies or through Hall bends or into the Hairpin only for them to sprint back past me down the straight. Where I could then overtake them again at coppice or Charlies they’d sprint back past along part straight only to be overtaken again at park corner. It was hilarious and I was really enjoying myself. The FLOOF never missed a beat and the tyres were enjoying the dry bits.

Session 3

I was now in that danger zone of getting too cocky. At this point I normally have a word with myself and ease off but things were going well and I was invincible, on the brakes and around the corners not so much on the straights, the track was dry and the sun was out and all the people in the novice group that were on slick tyres and race bikes started to gain speed through the corners. I was already at full speed so needed to start to really push the envelope to catch and pass the bigger bikes and eventually the enevitable happened. I ran out of talent, ground clearance and grip all at the same time and had a little lie down in the grass. Many expletives were uttered between bouts of laughter. Because it was very funny indeed.

Session 4

Session 4 was spent with a scaffold tube straightening out my handlebars that had been bent so far that the steering was unusable and fixing the right hand foot peg that had snapped off. luckily I had a spare pillion one that did the trick but now I was all out of spare footpegs.

Session 5

Session 5 was more about getting straight back on the horse, the bars were not quite straight the exhaust was working but mangled and the footpegs were fine, except there didn’t have any spring back or hero blobs. The main man from FlieOnTheVisor website had made the journey over and had put a GoPro on the bike for an article he was writing.  I started out slow, just to see if there was anything wrong with the bike but after a lap it was fine, bar the odd riding position due to the handlebars. So I cracked on, had a word with myself when the red mist descended and kept within the limits of physics. I managed a PB time of 2.03, I overtook some bikes with 3x my BHP and had some great fun. Which is what it’s all about.

As session 5 was finishing the rain started so I’d made the decision to head home. I got a bit lost on the way and ended up having to filter Nottingham town centre at rush hour which was as much fun as the trackday to be honest. Then there was 2 huge tailbacks on the A50 and A500 the FLOOF was in its element, full rain, filtering and getting to the front. I’m always an advocate of stretching yourself because that’s where the real learning takes place, and on the 12/09/22 at Cadwell’s Hairpin I learnt about the limits of traction and I’m better for it.

Photographs by Peter Wileman Photography Ltd

Recommended Websites

Here’s a collection of useful websites that I’ve happened across. I’ve found them useful or amusing or curious. If you have a website that you would like featured on this page then please drop a comment on here and I’ll have a looksee

Flies on the Visor

Review products and bikes that they spend their own money on so you can be sure that what they say is independent and honest

RideWithPeaks – Fueling your Passion

Ridewithpeaks is a fantastic bike and kit review website. Very worthy of a browse.

Maja’s Motorcycle Adventures

Maja’s motorcycle adventures does exactly what is sets out to. It’s Maja, chatting about here adventures and even better, you can book on trips and tours of Wales with her.

Ride to Survive

A very experienced advanced trainer from the Gloustershire area. If you are from around that way then give Chris a shout. Tailored Bespoke training.

Scotland Tour 2020

Some Twitter people invited me to join them on a tour of Scotland, of course I said yes.

Total miles 1421, 4 Bikes, 3 nights. 4 long days. Weather mostly wet – well what did you expect in October.

As is the nature of Twitter, people are from seperate parts of the country so we met up at Lymm Services J20 on the M6 on Friday the 9th October it was drizzling and the waterproofs were already on and heated grips just providing a nice background warmth.

We filled up and started the journey north. First stop over was to be the The Winnock Hotel,

The route there was especially desiged to make the most of Day 1. Forest of Boland, Yorkshire Dales National Park, North Pennines, Kielder Forest then on through Scotland avoiding any major roads.

Day 2 saw us tackle the infamous Applecross pass on our way to Ullapool

Day 3 saw part of the NC500 and back to Oban. The coastal route up to Durness is fantastic and there are some fantastic sandy beaches there. My favorite part was the road around Loch Eriboll which was simply stunning. A long day this one and the journey from Loch Ness to Oban was in the dark and that added another dimension to the ride.

Loch Eriboll
Loch Eriboll the road hugs it all the way around
take a relaxing journey around loch Eriboll

Day 4 took us home via the scenic way through Ayrshire.

It was a seriously wet day,but we were looking forward to heading south to see what Ayrshire has to offer and although not as scenic as the highlands it certainly has some great roads if you are happy to seek them out.


A collection of reviews from the course feedback pages.

I have just completed the full coaching programme with Neil . After passing my test in 2021 and purchasing my first “BIG” bike I soon realised that although I had been taught to pass my test I had not been taught how to ride a “BIG “ bike with enjoyment and confidence this is where Neil came along I contacted Neil and did a 1 day course with him this instruction was carried out with patience and and at no point did I feel that Neil was judging me for my obvious lack of experience or skill it was totally the opposite he just guided me with his extremely calm approach to bike training. After the one day training I later decided to go the distance and book the complete training program it was after covering quite a few miles out on my own and still just not “getting it “ so after a couple of chats on the phone we sorted the dates and began the process this course has now given me the confidence and necessary skills to safely begin to enjoy my riding. Every day out with Neil was firstly very relaxed and fun but also Neil just has a way of fitting everything together in a way that at the end of each day I felt progress had been made and at the end of the 6 full days I no longer feel like a fake !!! I am enjoying my riding and putting into practice the skills that Neil taught me. Although the course does take some commitment I guarantee that the outcome is worth the effort. I have gone from being ready to sell the bike and put it down to experience to now looking forward to every ride. Thanks Neil I look forward to riding with you again soon ps arrive with an empty stomach as Neil plans the days around plenty of cafe stops and will not let you finish the day hungry 

Stuart – Full Coaching Programme – 2024

Be a swan..

I felt I could get more out of my riding, wanting to improve on being smoother, faster and safer. Neil led me through some changes in my riding and pointing out the obvious flaws. The instruction was well structured, improving and instilling confidence in my riding. The course was progressive and balanced ending in a fantastic ride through some challenging roads where I felt confident and safe and most definitely smoother. If you’re in any doubt about your riding skills and confidence, or want a refresher to polish and refine your riding, Neil is definitely the instructor to book. Added to that he is a genuine fella and easy to get along with.

Thanks again Neil.

Be a swan.

@BladeRiderG – Bespoke Coaching Weekend – 18-19/05/24

I’ve been riding over 20 years and know I have bad habits and things that I am not doing that I should be. That’s why I hired Neil for coaching. Correspondence with Neil in advance was very smooth and timely. He offered to meet me at a place convenient to where I was staying. Neil planned out a ride in which he could coach me on various topics while also just being a really enjoyable and scenic ride. Neil is very knowledgeable and a great rider. He conveyed info in very memorable and easy to absorb way. It was a good day of learning/practice for me as well as just a fun riding day. As a mostly solo female rider I found it really helpful to get an unbiased perspective on my riding. No hesitation recommending Neil to any level rider.

Stacey – Bespoke Coaching – 08/04/24

Spent a great day with Neil around North Yorks/Lancs/Cumbria. Whilst he is obviously a hugely proficient and well qualified rider, what makes him a superb trainer is his approachable manner and that he listens to his pupil and helps them identify ways to improve their riding in the areas that they feel are important. It’s about you as a rider not the Roadcraft textbook (although he could probably recite it from memory if you wanted!). Along the way he offers all sorts of tips and quick wins to make you better or remind you what you should be doing, which you just find yourself adopting almost without realising. He took time to properly understand my riding style on a variety of routes from my usual narrow twisty Dales lanes to fast flowing A roads and was able to diagnose why I struggled with certain fast sweeping bends. After some practice and exercises to help, I felt happier about the problem, which has improved since. I might well book another day this year to polish things up again. Top notch.

@DalesRider1 – Bespoke Coaching – 27/04/22

Had a fantastic day with Neil riding great roads (weather was kind also, which helped). Wanted to develop my bike handling in corners and increase my confidence, pace and smoothness. Neil identified things for me to work on and we discussed them at our stops, going over my progress and introducing new ideas to further improve. Neil has an easy manner, putting you very much at ease while going over your riding and explaining how you can improve. Within a couple of hours I felt a massive difference in my riding and the run from Newtown to Crossgates was the most fun I’ve had on two wheels. I got far more out of the day than I expected, this is far more due to Neil’s talent as an instructor than my talent as a rider! Plenty to work on and continue developing (Neil shared a video with his commentary of my riding which will be very useful to refer back to over coming months). I would recommend anyone who is looking to develop any aspect of their riding speak to Neil without hesitation. Thanks for a top days riding Neil!

Crossgates Cafe

@RichardWillis – 26/09/2022 – Bespoke Coaching Day

Although I have been riding since two strokes were in fashion there is clearly so much about the art of riding that has passed me by and many bad habits have been instilled. Neil quickly picked up on many nuisances, some very subtle, and suggested many ways to improve. After only a few hours I felt that I had learnt a great deal and I now have many pointers to concentrate on in the future. We all have different issues with our riding styles to address, so my trail braking, tipping in too early, lack of back brake usage, road position, aggressive distance from vehicle in front etc. are not unique to me, however we all have different, hence we all need a precise eye to spot these issues. We never stop learning, and by his own admission neither does Neil, always striving to be better. The better we are the more that we enjoy the ride. That resonates with everything in life, and motorcycle riding teaches you about more than just riding a motorcycle… It’s therapy, it’s escape, it resonates in all areas etc. So invest in yourself and try and to be better.

@MattBofStoke – 21/08/22 – 1/2 day Bespoke Training

Been a bike rider for over 20yrs but a truck driver for almost 40 yrs and the two were starting to merge, I wasn’t using the bike to its full ability and agility. This meant that I was riding the bike like the truck just sitting in lanes and plodding around. So decided I needed some sort of training to get me back up to speed, this is when I contacted Jewell Bike Training. He suggested a refresher course to help me get back to proper bike riding. The course was 3-4 hours and in that time with Neil’s instructions my agility and positioning were very much improved. I’ve taken his instructions with me and for me to keep practicing. Would highly recommend one of Neil’s training course’s.

@bazzwho – 13/08/22 – back to biking/refresher

All round top draw and excellent value for money. Neil had been flexible from the off with dates and timing to work around me working at sea.

The route was a tour in itself across multiple road surfaces, lakes, rolling hills and fast twisting roads.
Neil’s instruction, concise and forthright really brought on my riding. Would highly recommend.

Tintern Abbey

@SniffinSkidmarks – 14/06/22 – Bespoke Training

I would highly recommend a weekends training with Jewell Bike Training.
I found Neil quickly identified areas where I could improve my riding. I have been riding for a while and am mostly self taught because I wasn’t a great fan of the more formalised training schemes. I enjoyed that Neil was happy for me to ride my usual style and pace and work to make my riding flow better by improving my bike handling, observation and situational awareness.
The 2 day format also worked well for me, it took me a while to relax into being observed but Neil puts you at your ease and comments on the things you do well as well as the areas that need improvement. Day one is mainly spent sorting out that areas that need improvement and mentoring on how to improve them. Day 2 was spent practicing and improving with more coaching to build on what you have learned when you are ready for the next step.
I also enjoyed the routes Neil supplied, they encompassed most types of road you encounter in the UK apart from Motorways(thankfully). This also added to the learning experience, the choices were challenging at times but this was a deliberate tactic to highlight areas for improvement in your bike control and line choices.
If I’d have known the learning experience could be this good and enjoyable I would have done it years ago.

Carle – 19 &20/03/22 – Weekend Bespoke Training

Spent a weekend with Neil polishing away winter rust and tuning out some of my less impressive riding habits.

The instruction is well-paced and developed my natural riding style rather than trying to put me in a box.

The results were plain to see on the ride home from Wales on the Monday. Sharper, quicker and maximising advantages when they appear.

Excellent. 19 & 20/03/22 – Weekend Bespoke Training

Had a great ride today with Neil, Taught me about road positioning, practicing with my back brake, keeping a safety bubble when riding and making sure your aware of your surroundings when riding.
The ride was 2 and a half hours and we had intercoms so he could give me tips and advice when riding (things like what the signs mean wether they are a bigger caution or smaller,road positioning and pointing out where to look into the distance to prepare for oncoming traffic)
Will definitely be using this company again in the future when I want to do more advanced riding lessons👍

James Baister 21/12/21 – Post CBT coaching

Had a Fantastic day with Neil. He has a wonderful calm manner with zero judgement or criticism of my riding. For example, I missed a junction on two different occasions, and he never said a word and gently guided me back to where we should have turned off as if it was all part of the plan.

I have been nervous of cornering since the bike accident and he soon sorted that out by building my confidence back by going over the basic’s. Stuff that I had forgotten about. I can now read the road with confidence and welcome those bends and no longer panic brake or roll off as I approach a corner.

The euphoria of finally taking a corner at speed and holding the line can never be explained here, only put into practice every time I go out. Indeed the ride yesterday along roads which had bends that had previously scared me, is now a route with minimal bends and I wished we where back in the peak distract with some serious roads to ride.

I feel safer, more confident and a happier rider for spending time with Neil. I can’t thank him enough for what he has done for me. Highly, highly recommend his time and services. Total value for money.

Corrie Pope 18/09/21 – Full Day Bespoke Coaching

The all round package offered by Neil is simply brilliant!

Firstly, Neil is a very knowledgeable, experienced and safe rider. Secondly, he’s a great communicator. We had a grand day out in the Peak District and Neil was able to quickly assess all those areas in which I needed to develop / improve my riding, suggesting alternative approaches to improve my skills and develop some new ones. Who knew you could steer a bike with your backside?

The day was unhurried with plenty of stops and opportunities for discussion / feedback etc

And at the end of the session Neil can provide video with overlaid commentary, which is a really useful future reference point.

If you are looking for some bespoke motorcycle training, look no further than Jewell Training! A day with Neil is excellent value and money well invested!

@mike1158s – full day bespoke Training 09/08/21

Neil is an excellent instructor, proving bespoke training addressing my needs as a rider with advice delivered in a positive and friendly way. The day out was a pleasure and felt like I was riding with a very experienced and knowledgeable friend!

After passing my bike test I promised myself that I would do some advanced training. Neil’s name started popping up frequently on my Twitter timeline with enthusiastic recommendations from trusted followers.

We arranged a date, and a conversation with Neil established what I wanted to achieve from the day: be alive more and dead less, advice and improve my confidence in corners and overall riding as my only training so far had been toward the test and not real world conditions.

Any concerns that a full day would be too much were dispelled as the day went on with Neil being patient and clear with his instruction. There was observation of my riding and regular stops for debrief and advice to help me improve. The addition of an intercom meant reassurance and constructive feedback were provided, but without being obtrusive.

Simple changes made by Neil to my riding paid huge dividends. I ended the day more confident and felt that my ability had improved, but was left with tips and pointers as part of my ongoing development. The tailor made nature of the one-on-one instruction was perfect for my needs. Excellent value for money as I am sure I am now a safer rider. I only wish I’d done it sooner!

@RupturedDuck – 16/08/21 – Full day Bespoke Training

What superlatives can I use that haven’t been written already ??!!
Neil is a brilliant listener and took on board at the start what I would like to achieve from the day , he had a preset route of the beautiful Peak District that turned out to be exactly what I needed to show him where I needed to sort my riding ( road position for starters) .. stopped a few time to debrief and drink coffee where in his easy going quiet manner put things over that made perfect sense , … the day absolutely awesome and will definitely go again …
Thank Neil for instilling me with confidence to ride these roads as safely and with even more of a smile on my face (positive steering 😊)than usual . Your a legend 💪👏👏👍

@GoodridgeMike – Bespoke Training day – 17/07/21

A video testimonital from Lara.

I contacted Neil for some Back to Biking guidance via twitter as I have not been on a bike for many years. He was great from start to finish. I presented him with a few challenges really, as I had not ridden my new bike either and I was having issues with the gears, his calmness and his guidance was very helpful.
He turned up on time as promised following a three-hour ride to get to me, he let me lead the way as it was clear from the start, I was not going to be able to do his pre-planned route.
We had a short ride before Neil connected me [Sena Intercom] up to him, I found it so helpful having him in my ear advising and reassuring me all the time, also at the same time getting me to increase my confidence and speed in my own time.
We had a few breaks and debriefs during the session just to tweak certain issues in my riding.
Neil’s training certainly gives me more confidence and hopefully I will now be able to attend a bikesafe course and then develop on the IAM course.

@paulGf185 – Back to Biking / Refresher – 19/06/21

After reading several commentaries on Twitter re Neil’s bespoke service & a realisation that I needed an independent assessment of my riding skills it was a no brainer about contacting the gent in question. After a couple of false starts due to crappy weather we got the day sorted and met up at the north side of the Peak District over a coffee we discussed, further, my aims and requirements that done we set off and what followed was a good well planned,by Neil, series of rides interspersed with coffee breaks & informed critiques which I felt by the end of the day raised my reasonable skills and allowed me to see in myself a genuine improvement on my ride home . Neil comes across as a knowledgeable , without being overbearing, affable gent who lives & loves his biking and I can only highly recommend his services 👍
PS I’ll also recommend OsmAnd as a good gpx app for plotting the day’s route ….

@shaun7r Bespoke coaching – 13/06/21

Had a fantastic coaching session from Neil. We spent roughly 6 hours together going across Exmoor and back.

Neil is a really nice guy, not judgemental or pushy. He quickly identified the areas that needed polishing and those that needed to be dialled back for the road.
I did my advanced license 12 years ago and have taken numerous machine control courses since but to have a checkup on my advanced road craft was invaluable.

As the day progressed, the ride became smoother, putting into practice Neil’s expert guidance. Even in some rather tricky conditions we made great progress.
It was also good to hear Neil’s commentary on part of the ride when we hooked up the intercoms.

I highly recommend Neil to anyone on two wheels. If you or a loved one has only just passed the test – book in with Neil… in one session he’ll distill months of advanced training for you. If like me, you’ve got to a certain level, Neil will help you take those next steps to make your riding even smoother and more enjoyable.

Phil Reader – Bespoke Coaching – 22/05/21

I felt as though a few twisty bends local to me were “nemesis” corners as I just couldn’t seem to get around them smoothly. I met up with Neil, who instantly came across as a friendly and very knowledgeable chap, and we had a brief chat about my concerns and then we set straight off . I set about my own ride whilst Neil expertly observed behind and after a couple of minutes I relaxed and almost forgot he was there, travelling along a route and through the corners which I was struggling with. We made our way to a cafe and over coffee Neil and I spoke about certain things I could do to improve my riding. Headed back out on the bikes, through the very same bends, the difference was night and day. The bike and I both felt much happier. Every corner I come up against now, none of them phase me. I really enjoyed the time I spent out on the road with Neil and feel like a more competent and safer rider for it. I want to be the best rider I can possibly be and I’m now looking to do IAM and another session with Jewell Bike Training as soon as I possibly can. I’m confident that no matter how good a rider you are, you’ll come away learning something new after a day with Neil.

@martinhall18 – 1/4 day bespoke session

Hmm, turns out I’m not as good as I thought I was! It’s been 25 years since I had any advanced training, and that was (whisper it quietly…) in a car. Since then I have toured thousands of miles, commuted in all weathers, even raced a bit, so I should be pretty good right? It’s just like riding a bike isn’t it? You never actually forget do you?

Well, yes you do, and your finely honed skills ebb away week by week, month by month. Add a year-and-a-bit of lockdown and before you know it, they’re pretty much all gone.

What you need is someone capable of following you closely behind (whatever speed you’re doing, you won’t shake him off) observing everything. Mostly, to be honest, observing what you’re not observing. Looking at your positioning, speed, gear, use of brakes, anticipation, planning, the list goes on. Then you stop for The Chat. Now, this can go two ways; The Chat can be the point where you’re made dangerously overconfident by someone just stroking your ego, or you can be destroyed by a ‘riding God’ who can ride very well but coaches very badly. Neil is neither of these things. Neil is in fact the absolutely perfect blend of building you up and increasing your confidence in a controlled and enjoyable manner. Not many can do that and he is extremely gifted in that regard.

The route we rode and the ‘chat stops’ were all perfectly judged. Fun, but increasingly challenging. Just when you start to think ‘hey, I’ve nailed this’ there will be a bend or a ‘situation’ that brings you back down to earth, but not in an unpleasant, soul-destroying way. It’s more of, you’re getting better but life can still catch you out, so keep your head on the game and your focus about 5 miles further ahead than you’re used to.

Should everyone go on a course with Neil? Yes, absolutely, 100%. I guarantee you will learn something. It might even be something you already knew, but simply weren’t doing as often or as well as you thought.

It will also be, and I can’t stress this enough, bl**dy good fun. But it might also save your life one day.

Highly recommended.

@SteveFelmingham – 15/05/21 – Bespoke coaching

Feeling a bit rusty after COVID and booked a session with Neil on the recommendation of a friend. So glad I did, as feel like I really benefited from his advice. We started with Neil following me for about half an hour, then supplying a very constructive critique of my riding style. 2 hours later I was applying his tips, and immediately felt safer and more confident. My cornering feels much smoother than it did, and while I expected that any safety advice would slow me down the opposite is true. Massively feel that I got more than my moneys worth from the session and would urge anyone who is prepared to have their skills challenged to book a course. Feel like I want to follow this up with an IAM or ROSPA course now as although I’m not a bad rider the door has been opened to how much better I could be.
Also, the Video supplied after the ride has been really useful to reinforce the skills learnt. Thanks Neil!

@DarrylIndia – 01/05/21 – Back to biking / refresher

Thoroughly enjoyable day. It’s clear that Neil really knows what he’s talking about, but, also has a really great coaching style so you don’t feel daft asking loads of questions. I could feel a marked improvement in my riding through the day.

I wrote a bit more here:

Looking forward to booking another session.

@BobLearnsToRide – 25/04/21 – 1/2 Day bespoke coaching (competition winner)

I’ve been riding a motorbike for a long time. I had passed my IAM and RoSPA advanced tests years ago. You would think that this training would stay with you, but over time i developed a slightly lazy approach to my riding. Taking things for granted, and i wasn’t really switched on as much as i should be, after all there’s a lot at stake. So after seeing some of Neil’s training videos, chatting on Twitter and especially after Covid Lockdown, i thought i would take the skills refresher course for an independent look at my riding, and i’m so glad i did. It’s amazing how much your riding skills fade over time.

Check out this video Neil did for me,

 it really sums up my riding skill fade and what we did about them. It’s great to have this video resource to refer back to and go over again, as there’s a lot to take in and re-apply to your riding. Neil’s approach is super friendly, constructive and totally non-judgemental. Book in with Neil and do this training instead of buying the next bit of bling for your bike, it will be the best investment you can make. Half a day is all it takes, and it will invigorate your riding again, leading to more confidence, enjoyment, and equip you well to survive the jungle out there.

@DevilsCrayon – 07/04/2021 – Back to biking / refresher

“I’m brilliant at riding and I don’t need any extra help”. If you read this and thats you… think again!

No matter what your experience or how awesome you think you are (and you might be, its cool), just book a day with Jewell training and You Will Learn something. Better lines, more space, improved planning. Great skills for the road or the track. Neil will keep up with you, even if it’s on a rolling sofa… 😉

@LaraMoto – 17/10/2020 – Bespoke coaching

Motorcycles are a passion, I want to be the best I can be.
To that aim, I wanted training from someone who really knows how to ride a motorbike.
Having known Neil for a while, via Twitter, and seen how competent he is, Jewell training was the place for me.
Excellent advice, see’s where you can improve, and you come away from training knowing you are better than when you started.
Will definitely be back for more training in the future
Maybe I will even be able to keep up with him round a racetrack one day

Jules – 01/10/2020 – Bespoke coaching

I was lucky enough to find Neil on Twitter and even luckier to win a day training with him on a one to one basis. I met Neil at Crewe and he immediately put me at ease. We’d chatted beforehand about the things we could address with my riding. I had asked for instruction on road positioning and handling corners – the two areas I felt needed the most work. Neil hooked me up to his intercom and gave me a fantastic insight into his real time vision on the route – the bends , the way the road curved , the cross view (best learning point ) the hazards, the warnings , the signs and how to ride the bends smoothly taking everything in along the way.
We headed out through villages and lanes , A and B roads and dual carriage ways and also up on to The Cat & Fiddle. It was a busy Saturday and there were lots of cars and groups of cyclists – but using the cross view I overtook traffic and climbed up the road and actually cheered to myself in my helmet at the move I’d just made !
I had a great day – I learned a lot and improved my riding so much in such a short time.
A highly recommended training day that will continue to make me a better rider following Neil’s advice.
And the chat , coffee and cakes and just the great way Neil explains everything made the day perfect !
Thankyou Neil – you are the best ! X

Susan – 29/09/2020 – Bespoke coaching (competition winner)

Spent a fantastic self assessment day with Neil and another former Police Grade 1 rider yesterday. Whatever your training and experience without constant self assessment and constructive advice from others, skills will deteriorate over time. So the opportunity to have two top class riders check my riding was not to be missed.
Neil had plotted a fantastic 150 mile route through the best scenery Yorkshire could offer and even arranged perfect weather.
The roads were varied and on occasion challenging but interspersed with excellent coffee, cake and more importantly valuable feedback.
Whatever your previous riding experience, I’d recommend periodic check rides and Neil is just the guy to get you back up to standard whilst enjoying a brilliant day out.

Dave – 28/09/2020 – Bespoke Coaching

Spent a great day out with Neil today. Both the weather and the varied roads we used, were very good, dual c/way, A, B and unclassified all gave me lots to think about. Feedback was thorough and detailed, Neil is very easy to get on with, he put me at ease, nothing is too much trouble and I had a very enjoyable day, learning lots and I’ll be repeating that again soon. Thank you.

Simon – 27/09/2020 – Bespoke Coaching

A friendly and professional service, just like being out on a ride with your mate! Top class instructor who gave me the knowledge and confidence to improve my skills. The approach and training was absolutely fantastic! Look no further if you are looking to learn how to ride or improve your skills.

Marlena – 15/09/2020 – 1/2 Day Bespoke coaching

A bit of rider training/refresh for me yesterday with the help of Neil a great mentor.
I’m quite a good rider at the best of times but felt something was missing. After a couple of hours a few stops and mentoring and a few tweeks to my road positioning and riding everything started to flow consistent and every corner linked great to each other no rushing just nice and flowing and safe. I think everyone should have a refresh once in a while and if you fancy a days mentoring give Neil a call.
Would also like to thank @julestys @vehiclepartners @ridewithpeaks and @furberfurberson for sponsoring the competition that was run on twitter. very greatful to you all.

Cliffy – 14/09/2020 – Bespoke Coaching (competition winner)

Neil was amazing. A really patient and kind tutor. I finished the day feeling like I had understood my issue and got it under control. There was no stress or pressure and asking questions was never an issue, and I asked a lot! I felt totally safe talking about and dealing with my anxieties. He coped admirably when I had a major wobble because I was so frustrated with myself and for that I am very grateful. I now feel like I have the old me back who loves to ride and ride well. The ride home left me feeling elated and very happy with myself. I can not recommend Neil enough. Definitely money well spent

Becks – 06/09/2020

Back to Biking

After a few weeks of not riding the bike due to the COVID-19 situation and the lockdown, I was aware that skill-fade is a real and dangerous issue. I eased myself back into riding and slowly brought myself back up to speed with constant reflection on my ride throughout the journey. Being self aware and self critical is the key to banishing skill-fade and enjoying the ride once more

I run a back to biking session which would be ideal for those returning to bikes whether from a winter hibernation or a period without 2 wheels in their lives.

First Ever Trackday

I have been riding many miles for many years. I had never done a trackday until the 22/07/2020. Through some pals met on Twitter I arranged a trackday at Oulton Park. It’s my local track so thought it would be fine to ride there, ride around the track and return home hopefully having enjoyed the day and learned some new things.

Have a look at my first ever trackday session…

It was a great experience and i have another one booked already for the 15th September, this time at Donnington Park.

I arrived at gate opening time of 07:30 and was pleased with the we ease of getting through security, a simple name check on a list and I’m in. The paddock was reasonably busy already with those that had stayed over the night before. I was on the lookout for a few Twitter folk that had mentioned they would be there. As I pulled into a space they came over and helped me set up the gazebo I was borrowing from them.

The team at No Limits Trackdays were brilliant. The communitcation from booking to arriving on site was first class. Of course I felt a bit nervous as this was my first one but their mantra of #trackdaysforall is very true. I felt really welcomed on the GTR1400. I think they enjoyed having me there too as I was the talk of their social media for 15 minutes…

Neil Jewell’s bike maybe so large that its situated in 2 different time zones at any one time but doesn’t stop him giving a damn good spanking around Oulton Park while startling a few when he cruised past 👊😁
#trackdaysforall #nolimitstrackdays

Originally tweeted by No Limits Trackdays (@NoLimitsOnTrack) on 06/08/2020.

The day got better and better and on session 3, I felt brave enough to ask one of the free trackday instructors to follow me around and offer some advice. I think he enjoyed it as much as I did. After he’d stopped laughing at the sparks off the footpegs and the black lines the GTR1400 was laying down his best advice to go faster was to get a different bike! I took that as a huge compliment – it’s not often you are told you are riding a bike to it’s absolute limits.

Session 3 – Out with the instructor

It was a great day and if you are considering doing one, then do it.