Author: Neil

Recommended Websites

Here’s a collection of useful websites that I’ve happened across. I’ve found them useful or amusing or curious. If you have a website that you would like featured on this page then please drop a comment on here and I’ll have a looksee Flies on the Visor Review products and bikes that they spend their […]


A collection of reviews from the course feedback pages. I have just completed the full coaching programme with Neil . After passing my test in 2021 and purchasing my first “BIG” bike I soon realised that although I had been taught to pass my test I had not been taught how to ride a “BIG […]

Back to Biking

After a few weeks of not riding the bike due to the COVID-19 situation and the lockdown, I was aware that skill-fade is a real and dangerous issue. I eased myself back into riding and slowly brought myself back up to speed with constant reflection on my ride throughout the journey. Being self aware and […]